#eye #eye

Starting with an excursion to a placed called TEXTILHAFEN (harbour for textiles), we were heading into a different direction: we wanted to take a small break from our seat at the sewing machine. 

A fun part - the world of styling. So, we thought we have a look at all the historic, funny and sometimes even strange clothes and objects that once were dear to their owners, but now lying in a hall, waiting for new hands and bodies to worship them. There is a place for that, not one but sveral. We picked one which is like a central station for second hand clothing and textiles. That’s where we went to hand pick some clothes for a phot shooting with our dear photographer Luiza who helped us out quite a few times. (all photographs of the fashion shoot are taken by Luiza Spotorno. Thank You Luiza :))

this was the small collection we picked and wich was the base for our looks: 

Thanks to all the helping hands and our models  :)